Donation Based Live Yoga Class Supporting OURMALA

Online Yoga Class Supporting OURMALA(1).png

This Sunday from 9.30-10.30am, Zen Bear founder Emma Hart will be guiding an all levels vinyasa class with 100% of the proceeds going to OURMALA.


OURMALA helps vulnerable people rebuild their lives in London. OURMALA gives them a safe space to breathe, therapeutic yoga classes, travel refunds, hot lunches, English lessons and more. Their mission is a world where refugees and asylum-seekers can lead happy, healthy, fulfilling and dignified lives through therapeutic care, educational services and access to critical resources.

Currently OURMALA are keeping in regular contact with their community. Because most of their beneficiaries are so marginalised, many do not have smartphones, let alone data or wi-fi that would be needed to access yoga and support online. However, some do and for those who do, OURMALA holds free online classes and are looking into ways to get smartphones with data for those who don't.

The donations will help in continuing to support their community, especially during uncertain current times.


If you can join us, we would love to see you there! Bookmark this page with the invite below.

We will also be on Instagram Live.

How To Join:

Time: Sunday Apr 26th, 09:30-10:30am GMT
Zoom Meeting ID: 950 0571 9469
Password: ourmala
