Five Easy Ways to Give Back to your Community

Especially in light of the pandemic and the huge changes that have occurred across 2020 and 2021 it is so important to give back to your community no matter how small or big your actions are they will impact others and yourself. It is easy to forget sometimes how much we rely on our community and how much we benefit from it. There are so many ways in which you can support your community so find whatever is right for you. 

Here are some easy tips on how we can give back: 

  1. Shop local and support your neighbourhood’s eateries.

    This is one of the easiest and best ways to help your community, whilst also enjoying what your community has to offer you. Try out that new restaurant down the street or instead of shopping at big supermarkets like Tesco maybe try your local greengrocer or butchers. If you find a hidden gem, maybe it’s your new favourite restaurant or a café that makes a killer cappuccino, spread the news, tell a friend. We can all benefit from each other. For many this might be the more expensive option so you can adjust what you buy according to your financial needs. Maybe try buying just your fruit from the local store, make it work for your lifestyle. 

  2. Donate to your local food bank

    There will be so many food banks in your local community this is a quick way to help those in your community who might not be as fortunate as yourself. You can donate as much as you can, even if it is just picking up an extra can of beans on your next food shop. No matter how much you donate it will make a difference.  

  3. Volunteer your time.

    There are so many different ways and places that you can volunteer. Whether that be at your local soup kitchen, cat shelter or coaching a kid’s football team, you can find what your passionate about and make it the perfect fit for you. This is a great way to give back if donating money isn’t for you.

  4. Organise a community clear up.

    This is another great way to volunteer your time but this time you can organise it yourself and all you need is some bin bags. Keep your local parks and public spaces clean, whilst also getting to know your neighbours and possibly new friends.

  5. Give blood, this is such a powerful way to help others and save lives.

    Although this may not appeal to everyone, it might be one of the most important donations we can make. According to NHS blood and transplant, 135,000 new donors are needed every year to ensure the demand is met. One blood donation can save up to 3 lives. There are thousands of community donation centres across the country, so if this is something that you think you can contribute to, you can find out more information at:

Here are just a few tips on how we can give back to our community whilst also supporting each other, making new friends and helping protect our environment.