DIY Homemade Yoga Mat Cleaner Tutorial


Whether you practice religiously or occasionally, your yoga mat will encounter dirt, natural oils and sweat. The surface of yoga mats are designed to ensure a firm grip and therefore draws moisture away from the surface, which can eventually become a breeding ground for bacteria. But fear not! Wiping your mat with a damp cloth dipped in warm water and using our homemade yoga mat spray recipe below after your practice will do the trick.

The below recipe is one of our favorite homemade yoga mat spray recipes. It’s super simple to make and acts as an antibacterial cleansing solution so it’s perfect for keeping your mat in ‘first day home’ condition. It also smells so divine, which makes all the difference when you’re in child’s pose (sneaky sniff don’t mind if I do!).

Yoga Mat Spray.jpg

This spray can also be used as a room freshener, on your pillow for a gentle night’s sleep or even in la toilette - bonus! It also makes a great gift. It’ll give you all the aromatherapy feels, and will keep you inspired and energised each time you return to your mat.

A little goes a long way with this yoga spray home recipe, and feel free to experiment with a variety of essential oils to find the scent that suits you!

Homemade Yoga Mat Cleaner


  • 1 cup distilled water

  • 1/4 cup Witch Hazel (non-alcoholic) or White Vinegar

  • 10 - 15 drops Tea Tree Essential oil. Tea Tree has been documented to kill many bacteria, viruses, and fungi on contact.

  • 6 - 10 drops of other essential oils of choice. Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Lemongrass essential oils also contain antibacterial properties and smell AMAZING.

  • Glass Spray Bottle. We prefer glass as some essential oils can start to degrade plastic if left for too long, and plastic ain’t so great for the Earth.


  1. Fill up the glass bottle 3/4 of the way with distilled water.

  2. Top up with 1/4 of Witch Hazel.

  3. Add Tea Tree drops followed by other essential oils for an enhanced aroma.

  4. Place the top on the spray bottle and shake to combine the ingredients. Shake the bottle before each use.

  5. Spray liberally on your yoga mat immediately after you finish your practice (or before for all the yummy smells).

  6. Wipe the mat down with a clean cloth or tea towel.

  7. Leave to dry or roll it up. (Never tumble dry as the rubber could warp, just simply hang it to dry over a shower rail or on an indoor airer.)

Essential Oil Combos We Love:

  1. Uplifting Blend - Lemongrass Oil and Tea Tree Oil

  2. Calming Blend - Lavender Oil and Eucalyptus Oil

  3. Breathe Easy Blend - Peppermint Oil & Eucalyptus Oil

  4. Sleep Easy Blend - Lavender Oil & Chamomile Oil

  5. Forest Wood Blend - Cederwood, Sandalwood & Marjoram Oil