3 Reasons Why Yoga Abroad is Awesome


When we’re fortunate enough to take a few weeks (or for some, months!) away from our day to day hustle, usually the first thing to go is our yoga practice. Between travelling, sight-seeing, early morning tours or late nights experiencing the local nightlife, it can be hard to squeeze in some you time.

But our experience is that it’s 100% possible and totally worth it. There’s plenty of opportunities and places you can fit a little moment of movement and stillness. If you’re in a warm setting, head to the beach or a park and set up a little spot to flow or meditate. Look up local yoga studios and pop in for a class to experience it within an entirely new setting as a breath of fresh air to your practice. Or, even more accessible for most, practice yoga right in the comfort of your own room. If you bring your yoga travel mat with you, it’ll give you all the more reason to bust it out and move your body. It’s especially magical after a long flight.

Why we love yoga abroad

  1. Stress Reduction is Real

    Holidays and travelling is fun, there’s no doubt about that. But it can definitely be stressful. Long flights, things arising that weren’t planned for, trying to find destinations in a new locations, or not being able to understand the local language are all things that can subconsciously make our heart rates increase, cause anxiety or frustrations.

    To combat these feelings and emotions that can bubble to the surface, the best thing to do is tap into yourself, link up with your breath, give your muscles a nice long stretch, and encourage a little bit of sweat. We all know yoga boosts our immune system, detoxifies our toxins, relieves tension and promotes a deep sleep; which all contribute to less stress and more smiles.

  2. Yoga = Mindfulness

    Yoga is a reminder to be fully present. It allows us to focus on the now, absorb the sounds, sights, and our emotions. It can be easy to take being away for granted, and often we can get wrapped up in planning what’s next for the afternoon or next day, and not simply being present in the now.

    Taking some time to be present in the new place you’re in, both in mind and body is exactly what living is all about. It’s exactly why you booked this trip in the first place. Time is precious and you won’t experience that moment of being fully present in that exact place again, so enjoy it. Take a mental snapshot in your mind and it’ll live within you, even when you return home.

  3. Yoga is a Balancing Act

    We know every little aspect of our day to day is all about balance. From what we eat, to how we spend our time and everything in-between. Yoga helps us to bring balance to our day, both mentally and physically, even when we’re out of routine.

    By continuing your yoga practice when you’re abroad, it gives us the power to dictate how we coordinate our lives. You are in control. It’s an empowering tool to harness, and will leave you feeling relaxed, strong, refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the day in a new place.


Where’s the best place you’ve practiced yoga? We’d love to know. Drop us a comment below!