How to be Proactive in the Fight Against Racism

Anti-racism isn’t about being quiet and comfortable. We need to challenge ourselves, our behaviours, and the behaviour of those we see around us. We need to educate ourselves - on our own privilege, and on the issues we may not even know others are facing. We need to speak up. We need to learn to be better allies.

It’s time to get uncomfortable and work together to shift a system built on inequality to make long lasting change. To amplify voices in the Black community with the resources that we have. To be an ally in the fight against racism and injustice.

As Munroe Bergdorf, Founder of the Goddess Platform and LGBTQ+ Editor at Dazed states:

“Racism is not a black people problem, it is a white culture issue. Sexism is not a female problem, it is an issue with male dominated culture. Classism is not a poor people problem, it is a capitalism issue. Homophobia and transphobia aren't queer people problems, they are issues with straight post-colonial society. In order to push forward, we need to shift the perspective of oppression being the problem of those who experience it. We need to acknowledge that privilege exists as a spectrum and is an indicator for where the work needs to take place. Expecting marginalized folk to be the ones to deconstruct their own oppression is as good as saying "not my problem" and letting it happen, as it doesn't acknowledge where the problem is coming from. The definition of privilege is thinking that something isn't a problem because it isn't your problem."

Petitions To Sign

If you cannot attend protests or donate money to the funds that have been set up towards the BLM movement, you can easily sign petitions to make a difference and allow your voice to be heard.

Justice for George Floyd Petition

Justice for Belly Mujinga Petition

Justice for Breonna Taylor Petition

Justice for Tony McDade Petition

Petition to raise the degree for Derek Chauvin's murder charge

Petition to prosecute the Minneapolis Police Department's officers who killed George Floyd

Petition for the UK government to condemn President Trump's response to BLM protests

Petition to introduce mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting.

Petition for British schools to implement teaching British children about Black History

National Organisations To Follow


The ACLU Racial Justice Program aims to preserve and extend constitutionally guaranteed rights to people who have historically been denied their rights on the basis of race.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc., is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

Campaign Zero

Campaign Zero is a comprehensive platform of research-based policy solutions to end police brutality in America.

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans.

Community Justice Exchange’s National Bail Fund Network

An ongoing directory made up of over sixty community bail and bond funds across the country.

Unicorn Riot

A decentralized, educational 501(c)(3) non-profit media organization of artists and journalists dedicated to exposing root causes of dynamic social and environmental issues through amplifying stories and exploring sustainable alternatives in today’s globalized world.

Profiles To Follow

It's important for non-black individuals to take responsibility for their own education on subjects related to racism. Try not to reach out to black people for help at this heavy time and do your own research, reading, listening and supporting. If you don't feel you have the right words or knowledge to speak up, this is a great opportunity to learn and make sure you do.

Some of the below are educators and activists, but some are representing their personal lived experience - if you're engaging with these spaces, it's important to respect boundaries and not demand discussion, answers or labour, especially at this time when they may be experiencing a huge influx of new followers, pressure and stress.

NAACP - @naacp

Gal-dem Zine  - @galdemzine

Domestic Workers Alliance - @domesticworkers

Black Lives Matter @blklivesmatter

UK Black Pride - @ukblackpride

Color of Change - @colorofchange

Rachel Cargle @rachel.cargle

Mona Chalabi @monachalabi

Layla F Saad @laylafsaad

Ibram X. Kendi @ibramxk

Grace F Victory @gracefvictory

Renni Eddo-Lodge @renireni

A kind reminder: Please do not contact any of the influencers or individuals recommended via direct or private message to ask questions. Many anti-racist educators are flooded with direct questions. It is not their job to take their time and emotional labour to teach us. We can all listen, learn, and do our own research. If you are able to, please also consider paying educators for their work. Many will have links to Patreons, Paypal accounts etc. on social media, or sell books/courses on the subject.